Digital Twin Technology for Enterprises
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There are situations when certain processes are difficult to execute in the real world. This could be because of the risks involved, geographical limitations, etc. In such cases, the digital twin technology proves to be useful. For the corporate world, training and onboarding employees every day with traditional classroom methods turn out to be expensive, non-engaging and often boring. Similarly, organising events with employees all over the globe becomes impractical because of geographical limitations. The traditional online events have their own set of limitations. But with the digital twin technology in place, these problems can be easily resolved. Here’s how…
With XR, make new employees see your organisation like never before. A bird's eye view or zoomed-in process documentation. You can define the journey and implement it easily. Active gamification can enhance experiences, boost completion rates while boosting retention. Creating several types of games makes the learning process faster and more engaging.
An example of how gamification can be brought into the onboarding process:
The employees who attend customer calls have to efficiently resolve ambiguous problems throughout the day. In such cases, during the onboarding and training process, they are presented with questions and options to select from. Example:
Solve this problem by selecting the correct options:
Routing the calls to digital channels
Voice analytics
Demographics of callers
Intelligent assistance for calls
With XR in action, your employees can learn while standing within the scenarios/spaces they are training for. Virtual representations of fellow employees can be used. Adding layers is easy and modifiable.
An example of how gamification can be brought into the training process of the employees in a supermarket explaining the Dump Process:
Create modules for employees to select from based on the topic.
Module 1: Dump and Causes
Module 2: Proactive measures to avoid Dump
Module 3: Dump and Disposal
Further, the employees can click on Module 1 to select and unlock the topics in this module. Then click further to visit various topics under the module. Scores are assigned in each module. Sum of all makes the total score.
During the training, employees can view the floor overview with different sections like Less Stock, Dump process, Receiving deliveries, Pest and Rodents, Fruits and Vegetables, Product Handling, Non-grocery houseware, Markdown, Grocery (non-food), Frozen and Chillers, etc.
Take them through the cause of the dump. Few examples are mentioned below:
Process related: Inadequate training of staff, FEFO/FIFO not followed properly
If there is no optimisation of inner case size, for small stores, flow through articles can be a cause of dump.
If regular revision of MBQ's is not done, it leads to excess stock, thereby leading to dumping.
Incorrect recording of dump in dump register leads to mismanagement and confusion
After identifying items that need to be dumped, the trainees can click on them to dump.
Other activities that can be included are:
Culling: Removal and cutting off all the undesirable leaves and stems
Sorting: Grading the products according to their quality
With XR, you can create powerful pedagogical models that take knowledge retention up to 95%+ and engagement up 10x.
XR brings your enterprise into an interactive 3d world - for hosting virtual events, remote learning and collaboration.
Just like the traditional way of organizing events, virtual events can have multiple stalls too. The attendees can enter the desired stall.
For example, Companies can organize employee engagement programs of events to meet and attract talent - host them all in the events gallery of your virtual campus.
We are redefining experiences and engagement across the employee lifecycle: Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, Onboarding, technical Soft skills training, Career and personal growth, Employee Engagement. We have also delivered 1200+ projects and more than 200+ ongoing projects. Start the journey today, you can request a callback here.